Venice of America We cautiously entered Lake Sylvia. Hug the left shore of the entry channel until you are abreast of the No Wake Zone sign, then cross over to the right shore to avoid the shoaling as you enter the Lake. We circled around the perimeter and found a niche among the boats at the south end to poke our nose into and drop anchor. There are precious few locations to anchor in or near Fort Lauderdale. In a way, it's remarkable that there are any. Lake Sylvia is the primary anchorage. There are a few liveaboards here, but most of the boats are doing what we are doing, waiting for a weather window to go somewhere offshore. Lake Sylvia is surrounded by mansions. You can't dinghy to shore. The nearest dinghy landing is a mile away at Southport Raw Bar. You can tie up to their dinghy dock for $10.00 a day, redeemable in food or drink. It's a good bar/restaurant, so it's an OK deal. To get there, head out of Sylvia, du...